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Complete contest rules for the Irish Day

20.04.2006 Švestka Štefan 47861
kompletní pravidla Irského dne v angličtině
Opening clause:

1. Minimal number for opening the category : 4 groups (not choreographery )
2. The group can enter with : max. 3 choreographery – in case necessarity is organizator allowed to reduce the numer of choreographery
3. If the numer of participiants is low , the organizator is allowed to link together categories. (softshoe and softshoe, hardshoe and hardshoe, children with adults)

Common rules for all categories:

Lenght of choreography: 2:30 – 5 min
Number of dancers: 4 – 24
Age: In one category is allowed to be older either younger, but not more than half of the total count

1. Category OPEN up to 15 years (including)
Music: Traditional or stylized irish and celtic music - reel, single jig, slip jig, light jig, treble jig, hornpipe
Costumes: random choice
Step variations: softshoe, hardshoe (levels: basic, primary, 1. advance, open)
Type of choreography: random choice
Obligate: - Techniques of irish dancing has to be predominating
- the positioning changes of any kind
Allowed: - solo dances
- changes of dancers and their number in choreography
- smile
- mixing music corresponding to this category
- stylized techniques – usage of another dance genres
- hand posturing – for ex. hands on hips
- scenic and theatrical elements
- irish hardshoe either softshoe
- usage of properties

Not allowed: - acrobatics of any kind
- the whole choreography in style freestyle of individuals, Recall
- scenery properties (in terms of entering or leaving the stage as well)
In OPEN category is judging: - techniques and rythm – the main mark
- imaginativeness
- keeping of space positioning and formations
- costumes
- facial expression
- music according to dance

2. Soft shoes from 15 – INVENTION
Music: traditional irish music – reel, single jig, slip jig, light jig
Costumes: random choice
Step variations: levels basic, primary, 1. advance, open
Type of choreography: - traditional set and figural dances – even with alternations - own choreography of above written type

Allowed: - ONLY techniques of irish dancing – steps, figures, hands positioning
- positional changes of any kind
- solo entries
- changes of dancers or their number in choreography
- smile
- mixing music corresponding to this category

Not allowed: - stylized techniques – usage of other dance genres
- hand positioning – for ex. hands on hips
- whatever kind of acrobatics
- scenic and theatrical elements, scenery properties (in terms of entering or leaving the stage as well)
- the whole choreography in style freestyle of individuals, Recall
- irish hardshoe

3. Hard shoes up to 15 – INVENTION
Music: Traditional irish music – reel, treble jig, light jig, hornpipe
Costumes: random choice
Step variations: levels basic, primary, 1. advance, open
Type of choreography: - traditional ste dances (kind of St. Patrick’ s day – treble jig ; Blackbirth – hornpipe, etc.)
-own choreography or adapted set dances

Obligate: everybody has to have hardshoes

Allowed: - ONLY techniques of irish dancing – steps, figures, hands positioning
- positional changes of any kind
- solo entries
- changes of dancers or their number in choreography
- smile
- mixing music corresponding to this category
- during traditional hardshoe dances is allowed to dance only in one formation

Not allowed: - stylized techniques – usage of others dance genres
- hand positioning – for ex. hands on hips
- whatever kind of acrobatics
- scenic and theatrical elements, scenery properties (in terms of entering or leaving the stage as well)
- the whole choreography in style freestyle of individuals, Recall
- a capella (no music) in whole choreography
- dance in softshoes

In both INVETION categories is judging:
- techniques and rythm – the main mark
- imaginativeness
- keeping of space positioning and formations
- Image – facial expression, costumes, music
4. Soft shoes from 15 – SHOW
Music: random choice – whatever music genre
Costumes: random choice
Step variations: levels basic, primary, 1. advance, open
Type of choreography: own show choreography
Obligate: - techniques of irish softshoe have to predominate
- positional changes of any kind

Allowed: - solo entries
- changes of dancers or their number in choreography
- smile
- mixing music corresponding to this category
- stylized techniques, usage of others dance genres
- acrobatics
- scenic and theatrical elements, scenery properties

Not allowed: - the whole choreography in style freestyle of individuals, Recall
- irish hardshoe

5. Hard shoes from 15 – SHOW
Music: random choice – whatever music genre
costumes: random choice
Step variations: levels basic, primary, 1. advance, open
Type of choreography: own show choreography
Obligate: - techniques of irish hardshoe have to be predominate
- positional changes of any kind

Allowed: - solo entries
- changes of dancers or their number in choreography
- smile
- mixing music corresponding to this category
- stylized techniques, usage of others dance genres
- acrobatics
- dance in softshoe in a part of choreography
- scenic and theatrical elements, scenery properties
- a capella ( with changes in positioning – not statical )

Not allowed: - whole choreography in style freestyle of individuals, Recall

In both SHOW categories is judging:
- techniques and rythm – the main mark
- imaginativeness
- keeping of space positioning and formations
- facial expression, costumes, music according to dance

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Copyright 2013-2018 Kulturní spolek Ryengle, Štefan Švestka
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